Upload your Byway images

Fill in the form below so that we can share your images of the Katahdin Woods and Waters scenic byway on this website,  social medias and other marketing collateral!

  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • You must own full rights to this photograph. By Submitting this file you authorize us to embed this photo into this website as well as blog posts on social medias.
  • e.g. 45.995494, -68.447158. This is helpful when these locations are hard to find and / or when online maps are inaccurate.
  • By Submitting your photograph, you agree to:

  • I, the photographer and copyright holder of the photograph, grant Katahdin Woods and Waters Scenic Byway and the Katahdin Partnership a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display my photographs (in whole or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate them in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. I understand that ownership and copyright of these photographs will remain with me, the photographer.


Upload your best byway photos on our website

  • Katahdin-Woods-and-Waters-National-Scenic-Byway-Logo-by-BC-v1

  • Share-Adventure